If the composites you intend to Corte*Clean® has been neglected, power washed or other cleaning products have been previously used, that have exacerbate the mold stains, it may take several additional “repeat” applications of Corte*Clean® to thoroughly clean. Failure to thoroughly clean composites and items on, attached to or above or around composites mold stains is a waste of time. Examples of these items are furniture, flower pots, umbrellas, siding, roofing, concrete, bricks, etc. If the stains aren’t thoroughly removed from these items, they will likely immediately re-occur, wasting time & money. If you do not plan to thoroughly Corte*Clean® composites and surrounding items, expect the stains to re-appear sooner rather than later. If you can still see mold stains, as on the above composite, and the composite is not thoroughly Corte*Cleaned, they will generally, almost immediately return, when the composite receives moisture. The above composite photo needs another application of Corte*Clean® to thoroughly remove the noticeable green stains.
What Mold Looks Like on Wet and Dry Composites…
Trex Deck – Dry – with Mold Stains
The above dry TREX® deck looks fairly clean. Don’t be fooled!!! Mold stains still remain in all boards except the lower half of the center board (in between the two white shoes) which was Corte*Cleaned.
Trex Deck – Wet – with Mold Stains
The above photo shows how water magnifies mold stains in composites. Look closley! If the composite is wet, with water, and mold stains are still noticeable, one must “repeat” the Corte*Clean® application process. Make sure the composite has been allowed to “thoroughly dry” before re-applying Corte*Clean®! One can see, in this picture where Corte*Clean® has not been used, except on the one center board, around the nail in the lower half of the photo.
Corte LLC does not claim that Corte*Clean® “PREVENTS” Mold & Mildew stains from re-occurring. Corte LLC has not found any product or products that prevent mold and mildew or other fungus stains from re-occurring on composites. Most only delay re-growth until they are rinsed from the surface. They are not worth the additional money to purchase and time/hassle to apply.
Corte LLC does NOT recommend the use of sealers! Unfortunately, some customers do not thoroughly clean mold stains from composites. Sealers can actually seal the mold & moisture into the composite and can exacerbate mold staining problems. Sealers have been found to make Corte*Cleaning® composites take more time and cost more money in the future.
Corte LLC does not recommend or sell any “Preventative” products. Most immediately rinse from the plastic and are a waste of time and money. This is why they are sold in plastic containers, from which recycled composites are commonly made.
Corte LLC and our customers have found that it is best to Corte*Clean® composites at least twice per year, Spring & Fall, before composites receive moisture. Composites loacted in areas known for “mold spores” and routine moister should be proactively Corte*Cleaned more often. Example; Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter. This costs far less time and money to keep a composite clean. Put your composites on the right Routine Maintenance Program for your composites environment.
Are you aware that most composite manufacturers recommend proactively cleaning composites at least twice (2X) yearly, Spring & Fall or when stains appear. Corte*Clean® was/is designed and intended to be used “at least twice yearly, spring & fall, or when stains appear” from the time composites are newly installed as its label directions state. It is best to proactively use Corte*Clean® before composites receive moisture and stains appear or deeply saturate into porous composites, at generally the reduced strength, should one decide to generally spend generally LESS TIME & MONEY keeping composites clean. Proactively routinely Corte Cleaning before one puts out the patio furniture in the spring and when one puts away patio furniture in the fall, or when stains are first noticed is highlyrecommended, once thoroughly Corte Cleaned. If composites are located in areasknown for “mold spores” and receive routine moisture, as predicted by The Weather Channel®, or that receive routine moisture from rain, morning dew, high humidity, snow, ice, etc., Corte LLC recommends proactively cleaning composites more often. EXAMPLE: Spring, Summer,Fall & Winter. If you notice mold stains re-occurring, or allow other stains, such as grease & oil, rust, etc. to deeply saturate, you are waiting too long to Corte*Clean® composites and it will likely cost more time and money to clean in the future!
When proactively using Corte Clean, preferably before composites receive moisture and stains occur or saturate, Corte*Clean® should be used at the “up to 2.5 scoops for routine cleaning” per “1 gallon of water” strength saving money. One can apply Corte*Clean® proactively in any condition, day or night as long as the composites are “thoroughly dry.” This is why the Corte*Clean®label directions state “When Corte*Clean® no longer turns dirty or discolored, it can be diluted & allowed to dry on weathered composite surfaces. Corte*Clean® is designed to clean any time it receives moisture. A white residue may remain until thoroughly rinsed. Thoroughly rinse composites prior to using.” The best way is to “thoroughly rinse” is to apply before it rains or snows and let the natural moisture rinse it saving water, time and labor. While proactively Corte Cleaning at the reduced strength doesn’t always have that instant cleaning effect, that Corte*Clean® is generally known for, generally, the composites appear thoroughly clean after they receive moisture.
Proactively Corte Cleaning generally prevents deep stains that generally cost more time and money to thoroughly clean. This is because the Corte*Clean® soaks into the pours and wood fibers of most composites. Every time it receives moisture, it releases oxygen, lifting stains until thoroughly rinsed. It is much easier for the Corte*Clean® to lift stains from the bottom up rather than the top down. Proactively applying Corte*Clean® before stains occur ensures this.
Trex® where Corte*Clean® has been proactively applied but not thoroughly rinsed.
I used Corte Clean and my brown composite deck and it came out great. However; where my patio table sat, underneath there is a white stain that never came out. It’s pretty noticeable. Any suggestions on what I should do to get rid of the stain.
I had a robber-backed mat on my deck. Now I have white marks on the deck where the edges of the mat was. Is this able to be removed?
Generally, yes, however Corte Clean can speed up the inevitable bleaching/fading or what is referred to as weathering of composites, especially those exposed to sunlight, when Corte Clean is used at higher strengths. Please see the Corte Clean website for further information on weathering and call if you have any further questions.