I purchased my Trex decking in 2005. At that time I was told it would be maintenance free. Being a great grandma and living alone, that sounded fantastic. The decking would be expensive but worth it. I choose a burgundy color and had it installed. It was great, looked bright and beautiful. I put a child’s pool on it and hosed it regularly. Within a year, black mold spots were everywhere. I purchased a different cleaner every year. The mold faded but stayed. My beautiful deck was now dull and milky in appearance. I was totally disenchanted and regretted my choice in decking. Then the internet came into my life and I researched composite deck cleaners. I found Corte Clean and read this website. I had tried everything else so why not this. The big box store tried to direct me to another cleaner but I had been there and done that with unsatisfactory results. I bought Corte Clean and used it as directed. My deck is now beautiful. It has its luster back and I’m very proud of it. I no longer regret purchasing my Trex decking. Everyone that has a composite should be aware and purchase Corte Clean. It would save them alot of money and frustration and it’s environmentally safe. Be Smart, Be Green & Buy Corte Clean G. Douyherty OH